The Benefits of Hemp Seeds: What They Do to Your Body

Hemp seeds are high in fiber and rich in nutrients providing health benefits such as improving heart and brain health, reducing stress and boosting immunity. Learn more about their benefits here.

The Benefits of Hemp Seeds: What They Do to Your Body

Hemp seeds are a powerhouse of nutrition, providing a range of health benefits such as improving heart and brain health, reducing stress and boosting immunity. These small yellowish seeds are the dried fruit of the hemp plant Cannabis sativa, commonly known as marijuana. They are rich in protein, fiber and healthy fatty acids, including omega-3 and omega-6.Hemp seeds have antioxidant effects and can reduce the symptoms of numerous ailments, improving heart, skin and joint health. Getting enough healthy fats in your diet is important for keeping your heart and cardiovascular system healthy. Hemp seeds are particularly rich in these healthy fats, including omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.

Both fats are known to improve heart health by reducing cholesterol, blood pressure and triglycerides. Adding hemp oil to your diet may reduce the risk of heart problems in the future. Hemp seeds are also packed with key vitamins and minerals, including 100% of the daily value (DV) of manganese, a nutrient needed to maintain strong bones and produce collagen for healthy skin and joints. Eating moderate amounts of hemp oil, protein powder made from hemp, or hemp seeds won't make you fail a drug test. In Canada, hemp seed production is strictly regulated to prevent cross-contamination of THC from the cannabis plant. Hemp hearts are rich in nutrients and are not known to cause drug interactions with common medications.

However, if you take anticoagulants, you may want to be more careful when consuming hemp seeds, as they inhibit blood platelets and may cause a risk of bleeding. A study published in the journal Food Chemistry found that hemp seed extract has antioxidant effects in laboratory tests. When analyzing these studies, it is important to note that researchers often use high concentrations of hemp seed extracts and that eating the seeds can produce less dramatic effects. Online stores also offer other hemp products, such as hemp milk, which may be fortified with additional nutrients, and hemp protein powder, which is a plant-based alternative to whey protein powder. Here's information on the benefits of hemp seeds, as well as ways to incorporate them into meals and snacks. Adding one or two tablespoons of hemp seeds to a morning shake can naturally help lower blood pressure, lower LDL cholesterol, increase HDL cholesterol and improve triglycerides. Since the oil is also good for skin disorders, such as psoriasis and eczema, it's also a good idea to add the plant's seeds to the diet to maximize these benefits. There is insufficient clinical research data to show that hemp is safe for use in pregnant or breastfeeding people.