How Long Does It Take Hemp to Kick In?

Learn how long it takes for hemp to take effect and how to maximize its effects. Find out about different methods of administering hemp and how they affect its duration.

How Long Does It Take Hemp to Kick In?

It can take up to an hour or two for edibles and topical products to take effect. Ingesting CBD is likely to leave you with a longer wait time to experience the full effects. Because of the slowly absorbed nature of the intestine, edible products are expected to peak approximately 1.5 to 4 hours after ingestion. Taking CBD by mouth could prolong the effects for a total of six hours, while a sublingual administration can last only about four hours.

Whether you smoke a strain high in CBD, smoke a pre-rolled hemp flower, or take a sip of a CBD vaporizer, inhalation is often considered an effective method of administering CBD because of the speed with which it is absorbed into the body. Hemp-derived CBD products are not intended to give the user a buzz or a feeling of intoxication, so there is no need to be conservative with the dosage amount. To ease anxiety as quickly as possible, smoke a high-CBD hemp flower, vape a vaporizer with CBD oil, or administer CBD sublingually, carefully rubbing it in. Be careful not to confuse hemp seed oil or hemp oil, which rarely contain CBD, with CBD oil. Broad-spectrum oil, unlike full-spectrum oil, is refined to exclude the small amounts of THC that may have been present in the hemp plant.